Sunday, November 14, 2010

Manny Pacquiao: 8th Title in a Row

On November 13, 2010 in Dallas a fight for the ages was fought. Manny Pacquiao versus Antonio Margarito for the super welterweight title. Manny moved up two weight classes to try and win his eighth consecutive title, all in different weight classes. He weighed in on Friday at one hundred and forty pounds and Margarito weighed in at one hundred and forty-five. On fight night Manny weighed in again and weighed one hundred and forty-four while Margarito gained seventeen pounds in one night. This would show a tremendous size difference. In the end the size difference would show no help as Margarito was pounded each round. Pacquiao beat his opponent so bad he even thought during the tenth round the ref should have called the fight saying, "I told the referee, 'Look at his eyes, look at his cuts,'" Manny has so much heart and respect for his opponents, "I did not want to damage him permanently. That's not what boxing is about." If you watched the fight you could tell Manny was holding back on his power shots and was not hitting Margarito as hard as he could. Margarito's corner should have thrown in the towel after the fifth round, his right eye was swollen shut and soon his left was the same. His corner tried to call the fight but Margarito insisted to keep fighting, "There was no way I was going to quit. I'm a Mexican, we fight until the end," Margarito said to reporters. This pride may have cost Margarito the rest of his career, getting surgery today on his fractured orbital bone. Pacquiao won every round making the fight a shutout. Boxing needs to give everyone what they want to see with Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather going toe to toe. This article shows how dangerous Boxing can be as well as how great of a boxer Manny Pacquiao is. The intended audience of this article are for boxing fans as well as sports fans.

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