Sunday, November 7, 2010

TCU and Boise State???

Do you believe it is fair for a one loss BCS team to play in the national championship game when there is one or two non-BCS team's that go undefeated? Some people believe that in fact the schedule for the non-BCS team is far less weaker than the one of a one loss BCS team, but some people like myself believe this is nonsense. I believe that this article is trying to shed light that TCU or Boise State can play with anyone. The two teams' in front of TCU in the poll are Oregon and Auburn who both are undefeated. TCU only chance to play in the big game is for one of these two teams' to lose. The last two opponents TCU has to play are terrible and are not a very good showing in schedule strength. The article goes on to say that if the Oregon and Auburn stay unbeaten then TCU will not jump either team and will be playing in a lesser bowl game, but if one of these two teams' get beaten than TCU has a slight chance to jump them based on strength in schedule for a one loss team. This articles purpose is to show that a non-BCS schools has a harder chance to play for a national championship even if they go 12-0 than a BCS team which has a stronger schedule and goes 11-1. I don't like this nor think it's fair. I believe if you go undefeated and one of the top two teams' lose than a non-BCS team then should be playing in the big game. The topic this article sheds light upon is the unfairness in college football and also a need for a playoff and not this stupid BCS mess. If there was a playoff instead of the computer generated way then this wouldn't be an issue. A playoff would make everything easier and more fair. The intended audience for this article are fans of college sports or sports in general and college coaches.  


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