Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Big Game

Oregon v. Auburn, wow this will be a shoot out. Heisman leading candidate, Cam Newton against one of the nation's best defenses. Oregon's high scoring offense versus Auburn top five defense. It is the first time Auburn and Oregon are playing in the big dance. The decision making was today for who would play in all of the bowl games this year. Auburn is ranked the number one team in the nation but Oregon is not far behind. TCU finished a second straight regular season undefeated but again missed out on the National Championship game. They will play Wisconsin in the Rose Bowl while Ohio State will play Arkansas in the Sugar Bowl. On Saturday both Auburn and Oregon finished there regular season undeafted both winning there respected conferences. Auburn defeated South Carolina by blowing them out by double digits. Oregon beat rival Oregon State. These two offenses are two of the strongest teams I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. I think that this game and the rest of the bowl games can make this year a special year. Oregon v. Auburn should be a high scoring game and can show to be the first to make a decision may be the loser. The purpose of this article is to show how Auburn and Oregon are the two best teams in the nation and to show who is playing for the other bowl games this year. The attended auidence is college football fans and die hard college alumni. Iv never been so ecxited to watch such a high powered football game. This will go down as one of the best ever.

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