Thursday, March 24, 2011

SRP Final

Now that the senior research paper is finally done with I believe there are things I did well and things I definitely could have done better on. I think my quotes to help describe and get my point across with my sorgs were crucial to my paper. I also believe my eleven sources were all good sources that produced good quotations. If I could go back to work on something again, it would have to be editing and looking over grammatical errors. I would change the procrastination part as well because there were times that I waited until the last second to finish. I think my only poor attribute while writing this paper would had to have been waiting until the last second. To next years students I would like to tell them to pick a book that you will love to read and will enjoy writing about. If you don't like the book you choose then it will be very hard and boring to write such a long paper on. Also make sure you keep up to date on what is due and give yourself plenty of time to finish this part. You also need to keep working everyday on the section you are on and not wait until the last second to finish. If you wait until the last second you can get it done but if you finish before hand you will have more time to perfect it. To next years student just make sure you write a good paper, read your book, and do not wait until the last second. Honestly the paper was not that bad it was just very time consuming.

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