Taylor Henderson's Eng1V Blog
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Jackie Robinson-Last and FInal Blog Post
Jackie Robinson deserves all of the recognition and accolades he has been awarded because he is honestly a great human being and deserves to be honored. I believe Jackie Robinson should have a statue built in his name. My television commercial would start off having a showing of racist acts white activist use to perform on blacks. I would show the terrible racism that was poured on blacks for no reason other than their skin color. Jackie Robinson would be incorporated into my commercial next to fight for the freedom of blacks in major league sports. I would have Jackie Robinson be like an angel figure and fix mostly everything like he did in real life. I would televise how great of a story this novel really is and how it is so inspirational and so touching. This book makes me want to go out and do something that has never been done before. This book makes me want to go change a major problem the world is facing right now. Jackie Robinson not only changed the game of baseball but changed many lives and many cultures. He showed the world that anything is possible and if you set your mind to a single goal you can and will surpass any obstacle. My commercial for this book would honestly show every trait of Jackie Robinson and it would help show why he is such an iconic figure in our modern day society. I feel that Jackie Robinson deserves so much more respect and honor then what he gets. He is the main reason why blacks could play in the Major Leagues. If any commercial was to be made to promote this book it would have to start with racism just to give everyone a look on what really went on back in the old days. The commercial would surely have to show all of Jackie's main awards. Mr. Robinson changed the game of baseball into an exciting and loving game. No one really gives Jackie all the respect he deserves and if I could create this commercial to help promote him I would in a heartbeat. My particular audience would be all African Americans who had to deal with racism and to all and everyone who wanted to read the book. A commercial would be the best and the easiest way of technology to get Jackie Robinson recognized. He will go down as one of the greatest baseball players in history and not only for his play but for his character and for his breaking of the color barrier in major league sports. Jackie Robinson was under so much pressure to perform to his best ability every single day because if he did not he could have been hated or even killed but he played well every season he played. I believe that a commercial or an ad in the newspaper would change everything and would help get Jackie Robinson's the recognition he deserves. I believe he is an animal and a beast on the field.
Monday, May 16, 2011
The Last Project
The most important things I learned at Mariemont High School:

First Step: You have to always stay organized

The biggest problems students have in high school are that they are not organized. If you are not organized than you are bound for failure. Being organized can help improve your grades and shows teachers you want to succeed in there individual class. I am kind of OCD and I like all of my assignments to be organized in the way I know where they are because it helps me make sure they are completed, it is an easier way to find them, and it makes things much easier when you are trying to study. People think it is hard to be organized but truly it does not take any effort and will help you in the long run. People who are organized are more likely to succeed than people who do not really care about past assignments. I learned at Mariemont High School that in order to go beyond just passing that if I was organized that anything academically was possible and that I could reach all my goals.
Second Step: Never Procrastinate

Procrastination is the worst thing anyone can possibly do during there high school career. I am the worst procrastinator in the world and I wish if I could go back and do high school all over again the major thing I would change would not procrastinate. The second major thing I learned moving on from high school to college is that I can not wait until the last minute to finish a paper or an assignment. Procrastination is the b word and it sucks. I had so many late nights or nights where I pulled an all nighter finishing a paper due the next day but if I wouldn't have waited until the last second to finish everything than I could have had it done days before waiting to just be checked. Today is a perfect example of procrastination as I'm doing this last project as we speak. When I go to college next year one major goal I'm going to push for is to not procrastinate and wait until deadline to finish an assignment, I will try to have it done days before. For younger students do not wait to finish homework or a research paper get it done way before the deadline it will help you in the long run. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE, IT WILL COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU IN THE LONG RUN.
Third Step: Stay away from parties and drugs

I have seen many of my comrades fall to drugs and too much partying and it has put them on a decline. Drugs and beer has gotten many of my fellow students suspended and arrested. There was a drug bust at Mariemont this year and it showed me to not go out and do whatever and think I can get away with it. Mariemont has taught me a great unit for straying away from drugs and alcohol. The classes have shown me the after effects of each and I want nothing to do with any of them. Mariemont High School has given me the resources to get away from partying and doing illicit drugs. The knowledge I have learned here at high school will give me a better chance at succeeding in college because I truly understand what I need to do to excel.
Step Four: Never Give Up/Stay close to your friends and your family.

I learned at Mariemont to never give up on something you believe in. If you have a strong bond with friends and your family than anything is possible. A strong bond helps make everything less stressful. If you are close with your main teachers and the higher authorities (Mr. Crosby) than everything will turn out fine. If you truly believe in never giving up on something than it truly helps you as an individual, it makes you want to strive for greater achievements. Mariemont has solidified this motto in my head and has taught me to never let an opportunity get away from me. I always need to strive for the best possible outcome and not go half-a**. I will never forget what Mariemont has taught me in my four years attending this high school but honestly there is nothing better than a strong bond with your friends and family. Never giving up on anything is what I really have learned from Mariemont.
Step Five: Writing a good paper or essay.

The last major thing I learned from Mariemont which I probably take the most for granted is how to write an A+ paper. Mariemont High School has one of the top writing programs in the entire nation and I believe that the entire English pod needs more respect for what they are doing for us students. I have talked to a couple of my older friends who graduated Mariemont a couple years back who have told me multiple times how much the Mariemont English teachers had prepared them for writing college papers. They told me that many people struggle because they do not know the MLA format or they do not understand how to integrate quotes but I learned from Mariemont how to complete both. Mariemont has prepared me in the best possible way to succeed in college because every teacher makes it there duty to make sure you understand the concept before moving on. Mariemont High School taught me not only how to just write a high school paper but how to go beyond and write for college professors. I appreciate everything Mariemont High School has done for me as student and how they have pushed me to become a better all around person.
Thank You Mariemont For All You Have Done for Me and My Fellow Students.

First Step: You have to always stay organized

The biggest problems students have in high school are that they are not organized. If you are not organized than you are bound for failure. Being organized can help improve your grades and shows teachers you want to succeed in there individual class. I am kind of OCD and I like all of my assignments to be organized in the way I know where they are because it helps me make sure they are completed, it is an easier way to find them, and it makes things much easier when you are trying to study. People think it is hard to be organized but truly it does not take any effort and will help you in the long run. People who are organized are more likely to succeed than people who do not really care about past assignments. I learned at Mariemont High School that in order to go beyond just passing that if I was organized that anything academically was possible and that I could reach all my goals.
Second Step: Never Procrastinate

Procrastination is the worst thing anyone can possibly do during there high school career. I am the worst procrastinator in the world and I wish if I could go back and do high school all over again the major thing I would change would not procrastinate. The second major thing I learned moving on from high school to college is that I can not wait until the last minute to finish a paper or an assignment. Procrastination is the b word and it sucks. I had so many late nights or nights where I pulled an all nighter finishing a paper due the next day but if I wouldn't have waited until the last second to finish everything than I could have had it done days before waiting to just be checked. Today is a perfect example of procrastination as I'm doing this last project as we speak. When I go to college next year one major goal I'm going to push for is to not procrastinate and wait until deadline to finish an assignment, I will try to have it done days before. For younger students do not wait to finish homework or a research paper get it done way before the deadline it will help you in the long run. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE, IT WILL COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU IN THE LONG RUN.
Third Step: Stay away from parties and drugs

I have seen many of my comrades fall to drugs and too much partying and it has put them on a decline. Drugs and beer has gotten many of my fellow students suspended and arrested. There was a drug bust at Mariemont this year and it showed me to not go out and do whatever and think I can get away with it. Mariemont has taught me a great unit for straying away from drugs and alcohol. The classes have shown me the after effects of each and I want nothing to do with any of them. Mariemont High School has given me the resources to get away from partying and doing illicit drugs. The knowledge I have learned here at high school will give me a better chance at succeeding in college because I truly understand what I need to do to excel.
Step Four: Never Give Up/Stay close to your friends and your family.

I learned at Mariemont to never give up on something you believe in. If you have a strong bond with friends and your family than anything is possible. A strong bond helps make everything less stressful. If you are close with your main teachers and the higher authorities (Mr. Crosby) than everything will turn out fine. If you truly believe in never giving up on something than it truly helps you as an individual, it makes you want to strive for greater achievements. Mariemont has solidified this motto in my head and has taught me to never let an opportunity get away from me. I always need to strive for the best possible outcome and not go half-a**. I will never forget what Mariemont has taught me in my four years attending this high school but honestly there is nothing better than a strong bond with your friends and family. Never giving up on anything is what I really have learned from Mariemont.
Step Five: Writing a good paper or essay.

The last major thing I learned from Mariemont which I probably take the most for granted is how to write an A+ paper. Mariemont High School has one of the top writing programs in the entire nation and I believe that the entire English pod needs more respect for what they are doing for us students. I have talked to a couple of my older friends who graduated Mariemont a couple years back who have told me multiple times how much the Mariemont English teachers had prepared them for writing college papers. They told me that many people struggle because they do not know the MLA format or they do not understand how to integrate quotes but I learned from Mariemont how to complete both. Mariemont has prepared me in the best possible way to succeed in college because every teacher makes it there duty to make sure you understand the concept before moving on. Mariemont High School taught me not only how to just write a high school paper but how to go beyond and write for college professors. I appreciate everything Mariemont High School has done for me as student and how they have pushed me to become a better all around person.
Thank You Mariemont For All You Have Done for Me and My Fellow Students.

Sunday, May 15, 2011
Opening Day-Jackie Robinson-6th Part
I believe that the novel Opening Day: The Story of Jackie Robinson's First Season by Jonathan Eig was written for one main reason and that is to show the world who Jackie Robinson really was. The author wrote this story to help people realize how bad racism use to be. Jackie Robinson broke this barrier with character and his play on the field. Jackie Robinson's story is magnificent and truly amazing for what he had to deal with growing up and the racism from his team and from everyone around him. He prevailed through the racism and was the first African American in major league sports to break the color barrier. The author wanted to show how blacks were treated back when racism was at its worst stage. He wanted the reader to understand how great of a person Jackie Robinson was for not only being a great athlete but also being able to perform under so much stress, pain, and scrutiny. Jackie Robinson is one of my many hero's not for his play nor his personality but for what he has done for major league sports. Once Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball other major league sports started to integrate blacks and whites. He changed the dynamics of how baseball was played and how blacks were looked at. Robinson's story is a great story because he stomped all of the critics, broke the color barrier, and halted the racism throughout sports. He was a monster on the field winning rookie of the year, a couple most valuable player awards, led his team to six world series and was elected into the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962. I believe that Jackie Robinson will go down as one of the greatest sports icons in and organized sports for years to come.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Jackie Robinson-5th Part
In the novel, Opening Day the Story of Jackie Robinson's First Season, there are many examples of modern society. The story of Jackie Robinson is a great story because not only was he the first black baseball player but it helped show African Americans that if he could do it anyone could do it. Robinson story has changed the entire way people lived at the time. The majority of whites were racist during this time period but once Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier and showed everyone that blacks and whites were created equal everything was different. The entire human culture was brought up hating on each race but your own but some major individuals helped stopped this phenomenon and Jackie was a main contributor. Once he broke the color barrier, became the first African American to join a Major League Baseball team and won all his awards; this showed everyone that Mr. Robinson was not some pig or a slave. This showed that he was just as good as any white man. Jackie Robinson play on the field and character outside of the field helped progress the African American race. There are many examples of aspect of reality that were changed due to Jackie Robinson and his tremendous story. Jackie Robinson is regarded as one of the greatest African American baseball players of all time and his breaking of the color barrier will always be remembered. He showed class, character, integrity and honor. He changed American culture by himself with the breaking of the color barrier.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Jackie Robinson-Opening Season-4
The best supporting character in this book would have to be Pee Wee Reese. He was Jackie Robinson's greatest ally on the Brooklyn Dodgers. Pee Wee Reese was a ten time all star, who helped contribute to many League titles. His greatest accomplishment was not being inducted into the Hall of Fame but was his support and respect for Jackie Robinson in his first couple of seasons. Reese did not believe in racial prejudice due to his early childhood where his father showed him a tree where a lynching occurred. I would take Pee Wee Reese out to the Precinct downtown. I would let him choose anything off the expensive menu. His support for Jackie Robinson is the reason why Jackie Robinson could be so productive. I would definitely order a big steak or prime rib and I’m sure Pee Wee would eat the same thing. I would take him out later at night so we could have a couple of drinks. I would love to get to know him as a person and everything that happened back then and why he believed racial segregation was bad and why he believed it was his duty to take Jackie under his wing. The Precinct would be our destination because I believe Pee Wee Reese deserves more recognition then what he gets. It is disappointing that he doesn’t. This is why I would take him out and he is worth my time and effort because of what he did with Jackie Robinson and how he took him under his wing. He did not look at him different because he was black but looked at him as a teammate and a brother.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Opening Day-Part 3
Jackie Robinson is the main character in the book, Opening Day-The Story of Jackie Robinson's First Season by Jonathan Eig. There are many different reasons Jackie Robinson deserves his own book. First off because Jackie not only was a well respected athlete, he also broke the racial barrier for Major League Baseball. The color barrier was segregated for more than fifty years and Jackie was the first African American to break it. Mr. Robinson is deserving of his own book because he went to UCLA and excelled at Football, Track, Basketball and Baseball but unfortunately had to leave college due to financial problems making him have to enlist in the army. After leaving the army, Jackie went on to play for an all Negro baseball team. He then went on to play for the Brooklyn Dodgers becoming the first black to ever play in the MLB as while finishing his first season as rookie of the year. Jackie Robinson accolades are massive in numbers but his heart, character and true determination is the reason he deserves his own book. A character in literature that most resembles Jackie Robinson would be Beowulf. Beowulf and Jackie are most similar because they both share honor, strength, wisdom, bravery, heart, and the power to do whatever they want. They both can make anything happen at any giving moment. Jackie Robinson is not only a one in a lifetime kind of athlete but also a human being. This is why he would deserve his own recognition with a book.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Opening Day-Jackie Robinson
If I were to produce a movie about Opening Day The Story of Jackie Robinson's First Season, the actors I would include would be Will Smith as Jackie Robinson. Will Smith is an incredible actor and would be the best possible fit for Jackie. Will Smith is an inspirational actor in all of his major acting movies. To me Will Smith has changed the acting world with his breath taking acting in his latest movies. Smith fits this role because he too has changed the acting world as did Jackie Robinson when he broke the racial barrier. There are not many other main characters throughout this book about Jackie Robinson. I truly believe that Jackie Robinson would best be played by Will Smith because Will Smith can do any kind of acting. His work and determination to make everything perfect is something Jackie Robinson strived for. Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier by joining a Major League Baseball team. The supporting class of actors would consist of Billy Bob Thornton, who would play Branch Rickey the Dodgers Owner at the time. Billy Bob Thornton would play this in my movie because he is a funny guy who at times can just make one hell of a movie. Branch Rickey wanted to break the color barrier more than many people and I believe Billy Bob Thornton would do the same. Branch Rickey went out looking for the right player to break the color barrier and he found his true star with Jackie. Will Smith and Billy Bob Thornton would play the two main characters in my movie because they both exemplify the true qualities I believe Jackie Robinson and Branch Rickey believed in.
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