Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jackie Robinson-Last and FInal Blog Post

Jackie Robinson deserves all of the recognition and accolades he has been awarded because he is honestly a great human being and deserves to be honored. I believe Jackie Robinson should have a statue built in his name. My television commercial would start off having a showing of racist acts white activist use to perform on blacks. I would show the terrible racism that was poured on blacks for no reason other than their skin color. Jackie Robinson would be incorporated into my commercial next to fight for the freedom of blacks in major league sports. I would have Jackie Robinson be like an angel figure and fix mostly everything like he did in real life. I would televise how great of a story this novel really is and how it is so inspirational and so touching. This book makes me want to go out and do something that has never been done before. This book makes me want to go change a major problem the world is facing right now. Jackie Robinson not only changed the game of baseball but changed many lives and many cultures. He showed the world that anything is possible and if you set your mind to a single goal you can and will surpass any obstacle. My commercial for this book would honestly show every trait of Jackie Robinson and it would help show why he is such an iconic figure in our modern day society. I feel that Jackie Robinson deserves so much more respect and honor then what he gets. He is the main reason why blacks could play in the Major Leagues. If any commercial was to be made to promote this book it would have to start with racism just to give everyone a look on what really went on back in the old days. The commercial would surely have to show all of Jackie's main awards. Mr. Robinson changed the game of baseball into an exciting and loving game. No one really gives Jackie all the respect he deserves and if I could create this commercial to help promote him I would in a heartbeat. My particular audience would be all African Americans who had to deal with racism and to all and everyone who wanted to read the book. A commercial would be the best and the easiest way of technology to get Jackie Robinson recognized. He will go down as one of the greatest baseball players in history and not only for his play but for his character and for his breaking of the color barrier in major league sports. Jackie Robinson was under so much pressure to perform to his best ability every single day because if he did not he could have been hated or even killed but he played well every season he played. I believe that a commercial or an ad in the newspaper would change everything and would help get Jackie Robinson's the recognition he deserves. I believe he is an animal and a beast on the field.

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