Monday, May 16, 2011

The Last Project

The most important things I learned at Mariemont High School:

First Step: You have to always stay organized

The biggest  problems students have in high school are that they are not organized. If you are not organized than you are bound for failure. Being organized can help improve your grades and shows teachers you want to succeed in there individual class. I am kind of OCD and I like all of my assignments to be organized in the way I know where they are because it helps me make sure they are completed, it is an easier way to find them, and it makes things much easier when you are trying to study. People think it is hard to be organized but truly it does not take any effort and will help you in the long run. People who are organized are more likely to succeed than people who do not really care about past assignments. I learned at Mariemont High School that in order to go beyond just passing that if I was organized that anything academically was possible and that I could reach all my goals.

Second Step: Never Procrastinate

Procrastination is the worst thing anyone can possibly do during there high school career. I am the worst procrastinator in the world and I wish if I could go back and do high school all over again the major thing I would change would not procrastinate. The second major thing I learned moving on from high school to college is that I can not wait until the last minute to finish a paper or an assignment. Procrastination is the b word and it sucks. I had so many late nights or nights where I pulled an all nighter finishing a paper due the next day but if I wouldn't have waited until the last second to finish everything than I could have had it done days before waiting to just be checked. Today is a perfect example of procrastination as I'm doing this last project as we speak. When I go to college next year one major goal I'm going to push for is to not procrastinate and wait until deadline to finish an assignment, I will try to have it done days before. For younger students do not wait to finish homework or a research paper get it done way before the deadline it will help you in the long run. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE, IT WILL COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU IN THE LONG RUN.

Third Step: Stay away from parties and drugs

I have seen many of my comrades fall to drugs and too much partying and it has put them on a decline. Drugs and beer has gotten many of my fellow students suspended and arrested. There was a drug bust at Mariemont this year and it showed me to not go out and do whatever and think I can get away with it. Mariemont has taught me a great unit for straying away from drugs and alcohol. The classes have shown me the after effects of each and I want nothing to do with any of them. Mariemont High School has given me the resources to get away from partying and doing illicit drugs. The knowledge I have learned here at high school will give me a better chance at succeeding in college because I truly understand what I need to do to excel.

Step Four: Never Give Up/Stay close to your friends and your family.

I learned at Mariemont to never give up on something you believe in. If you have a strong bond with friends and your family than anything is possible. A strong bond helps make everything less stressful. If you are close with your main teachers and the higher authorities (Mr. Crosby) than everything will turn out fine. If you truly believe in never giving up on something than it truly helps you as an individual, it makes you want to strive for greater achievements. Mariemont has solidified this motto in my head and has taught me to never let an opportunity get away from me. I always need to strive for the best possible outcome and not go half-a**. I will never forget what Mariemont has taught me in my four years attending this high school but honestly there is nothing better than a strong bond with your friends and family. Never giving up on anything is what I really have learned from Mariemont.

Step Five: Writing a good paper or essay.

The last major thing I learned from Mariemont which I probably take the most for granted is how to write an A+ paper. Mariemont High School has one of the top writing programs in the entire nation and I believe that the entire English pod needs more respect for what they are doing for us students. I have talked to a couple of my older friends who graduated Mariemont a couple years back who have told me multiple times how much the Mariemont English teachers had prepared them for writing college papers. They told me that many people struggle because they do not know the MLA format or they do not understand how to integrate quotes but I learned from Mariemont how to complete both. Mariemont has prepared me in the best possible way to succeed in college because every teacher makes it there duty to make sure you understand the concept before moving on. Mariemont High School taught me not only how to just write a high school paper but how to go beyond and write for college professors. I appreciate everything Mariemont High School has done for me as student and how they have pushed me to become a better all around person.

Thank You Mariemont For All You Have Done for Me and My Fellow Students.

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